Tag Archives: love

Today Was A Fairytale

I wanted to find something of the beauty of myth that we’ve left behind,
carry its shreds before us all, so we could acknowledge it, somehow
bring it back to life. I wanted to delve back into that world that
cradled us when we were young enough to still touch it, when trolls
lived under creek bridges, faeries fluttered under mushroom caps, and
the Tooth Fairy only came once you were truly sleeping. I wanted to see
if enchantment was somehow still there, simply waiting to be reached.
When I felt my loss, I realized that if I could do anything in this
life, I wanted to travel the world, searching for those who were still
awake in that old dream time, and listen to their stories – because I had
to know that there were grownups out there who still believed that life
could be magical.
And in that moment I decided: I am going to find the faeries
and write my own fairytales.

Continue reading Today Was A Fairytale

Made To Love

You haven’t seen strength until you witness a woman who continues on after being hurt, smiles after being hurt and still remains hopeful even though at times it hurts. You almost can’t tell that she’s in pain because the way she wears her smile from day to day is symbolic of the strength that only lives within a Queen. You have not seen real strength until you’ve seen her.

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Call It Magic

Last Sunday, I got the great experience of attending one of my dearest College friend’s wedding. It was beautiful. I always loved weddings. Yes, I am that friend who will gush to you about how beautiful you are, willingly come forward once all the single ladies are called out to catch the bouquet and actually stay, which qualifies me as the best wedding guest ever but the allure of it will never fade for me- no matter how many weddings I attend. Add to that the fact that I was born in the wrong time period and think wearing gowns and high heels should be my default outfit and my unwavering belief that it is really beautiful to see two people who love each other and want to publicly declare it have every right. As cynical as I may portray myself to be, I still do believe in happily-ever-afters and there is nothing like a lovely wedding to bring that out. So, on that day, I decided to be appropriate and finally wear this nude gown I’ve had in my closet for a long time… Continue reading Call It Magic

On Bubbles, Baubles and Bliss

A lot of people ask me what happiness is. Personally, I want to tell them I don’t have a clear cut definition for happiness because I think happiness isn’t objective but rather relative. It varies from person to person and I think you have to go out and learn what that is for you. Of course, you will never learn what true happiness is without suffering… Pain is weird that way- it makes you realize all the good things you had and appreciate them. However, if you want me to paint you a picture of what happiness is… allow me to show you… because this set of photos shows me very happy… if not, in total bliss. I especially love taking this set of photos because it shows me casual, fuss-free, happy and well, to put it simply: just me.

Continue reading On Bubbles, Baubles and Bliss