On Bubbles, Baubles and Bliss

A lot of people ask me what happiness is. Personally, I want to tell them I don’t have a clear cut definition for happiness because I think happiness isn’t objective but rather relative. It varies from person to person and I think you have to go out and learn what that is for you. Of course, you will never learn what true happiness is without suffering… Pain is weird that way- it makes you realize all the good things you had and appreciate them. However, if you want me to paint you a picture of what happiness is… allow me to show you… because this set of photos shows me very happy… if not, in total bliss. I especially love taking this set of photos because it shows me casual, fuss-free, happy and well, to put it simply: just me.

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Waves Crashing: Of Rocky Shores, Rocky Roads and Hitting Rock Bottom

“Soul surfing to me is what you do when you are thoroughly in the moment- enjoying and expressing yourself on the wave and being one with the ocean.”
- Tom Carrol, Australian Surfer
We encounter waves in every minute of every day. There are the light waves which make things visible and sound waves so we can hear. I was at the beach (my favorite retreat away from life and the best place for introspection) and I observed the behavior of the waves. On this rocky shore of the Punta Fuego beach, (a secret spot that I found) I could see how energy changes from one state to another and back again as the waves came crashing madly against the rocks. So I may not be on my best shape ever and I am fully crediting the fact that I am not consistent with my “gym, tan, juice” life as it is the “off season” and I am giving my body a break from the drought Labor Day at Boracay has brought upon. Just like the tides, my body also goes through changes: high and low. But no matter where the wind blows, I am comfortable in my own skin to know that I am beautiful just the way I am and my value as a person does not rely on the value stated on the weighing scale. As long as I am into clean and healthy living, I am more than happy… I am fulfilled.
Continue reading Waves Crashing: Of Rocky Shores, Rocky Roads and Hitting Rock Bottom