No Bullet For My Valentine

P1560317The secret to going through this day is simple: realize that you have so much love to give. Tell your friends and family those three words we often think but may not always say: “I love you.” Pay the love forward. If not every day, then at least on Valentine’s Day. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

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I especially reserved this post for this day because it is absolutely fitting for the occasion (being a red formal dress and all) and because I wore this on a very special day celebrating love since I attended a wedding when I wore this outfit and I think weddings are simply one of the most beautiful ways to celebrate just that! Being a realist masquerading as a cynic who is secretly an optimist, I have a long standing love affair with weddings and I really think it’s such a big deal when two people decide to take the leap and commit to each other. Granted, I have an entire collection of gowns and formal wear, it was quite a no-brainer when I was asked to be the cord sponsor for this wedding. The best thing about always being prepared for formal occasions is that there are some times that you get lucky and end up having a dress on hand which matches the bride and groom’s color scheme and theme. This wedding was exactly that which is why it was I automatically said “yes!” when I was asked to be one of the couple’s secondary sponsors. (Well as if not having a dress would actually make me decline… but still, I got lucky!) I took these photos as the venue was an absolute dream and it was like I was in wonderland when I was actually really in a lovely oasis hidden away in a quiet part of the city!



I used to be the ultimate spokesperson for Valentine’s Day but gladly, I started playing for the other team. Like most people, I used to think that Valentine’s Day was just another way to capitalize on love (aka. a corporate holiday that preys on consumer habits) but I am quiet happy my views have changed, I realized that the animosity was coming from somewhere else and that whether I am in a relationship or not, I can still happily celebrate this day with the rest of the world. I’m done waging war against Valentine’s Day and come to think of it, I actually learned not just to tolerate it but to actually love and really celebrate it. I am proud to say that regardless of my relationship status, I have been able to spend the last three February 14th-s of my year braving the crowd and hoarding flowers, candies and cute tokens for the people I love and isn’t that quite a transformation?


So if you are in a relationship- I hope this day is made special by your significant other… you deserve it and so much more. I hope you get flowers and candies and stuffed toys and a great, big romantic date and that you celebrate love especially on this day. I also hope you did your best to make your loved one feel special and loved… hopefully, you continue to do it not just on this day but all year round! If you are single, I hope this day doesn’t make you feel bitter and alone. There are so many reasons to love this day, one of them being that it’s just so nice to see other people in love. I never quite got the concept of how the sight of so many happy couples make single people mad. If anything, happy couples actually serve a faith-inducing purpose and that in itself is enough reason to celebrate… don’t you think? It’s sad enough that so many people are going through life disillusioned and jaded… I think whether you are in love with someone, or in the process of loving yourself, there is always a reason to be happy that there is a day designated to recognize that love is a nice thing for the world to have.

x, J