Tag Archives: pearls

Not another teen queen in bubble gum pink

I know what everyone is thinking with this outfit at first glance. I actually taught it myself when I saw myself in the mirror. The bubble gum pink statement sweater + the pleated cheerleader style miniskirt = the outfit of the teen queen in most H.S. movies and of course when you think of H.S. teen queen, I think Regina George from Mean Girls is the first character that comes to mind. It might be that I am 27 going on 28… but I feel this strange need to dress up as fun and as young as possible the past few days because I can still get away with it. Besides, what is fashion if not fun? Sometimes, one has to take a whimsical outlook too when it comes to dressing up… So I wore this to the much-awaited for Manila Sundance Bazaar over at Metrotent, Ortigas.

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